It’s no secret that Australian households are facing staggering increases in their electricity bills, with some experiencing a surge of up to 83%* from July 1 this year. With many families grappling under the financial strain, there’s one solution that stands out – you guessed it, solar power. Let’s look at how going solar can help you and your family, in the long run.

Can solar power beat Australia’s soaring energy costs?

The causes behind Australia’s soaring energy prices

Australia has borne witness to a persistent and painful upward trajectory in power costs, with increases hitting an all-time high as of July 1 this year. 9News reported a projected increase of over 50%* for some households. Factors such as escalating network costs and surging wholesale prices contribute to this unfathomable hike.

While conscientious power usage can offer some relief (we’ve got tips on that – ways to reduce energy usage and save money), it’s not enough to counteract the increased costs. Australians need a lasting and practical solution, and solar power really does emerge as a source of hope, especially in this sun-drenched part of the world.

The benefits of solar energy

Investing in solar power presents many benefits. Beyond reducing reliance on the grid, solar power’s strongest benefit is it’s ability to act as a safeguard against an ongoing future of price hikes. It provides security and peace of mind, it’s eco-friendly and assists in curbing carbon emissions, and it could even increase the value of your property. Learn more about how solar energy could boost your property value.

For some eligible homeowners, solar panels can even provide an income stream or further lower the cost of energy bills. It’s important to understand what your rebate and incentive options are, and we outline feed-in tariffs and more in this link.

Going solar is more affordable than you think

Contrary to its earlier perception, solar power is becoming more and more affordable for everyday Australians. Technological advancements and increased production have significantly reduced the cost of solar panels. Coupled with government rebates and incentives, and green loans too, solar power has become quite viable. We talk about offsetting the cost of solar, financing options, long-term savings and more for you in why going solar is more affordable than you think. We also talk about how to calculate the long-term cost savings of solar.

We’ve been helping locals up and down the coast go solar with our $0 upfront payment plans, and cost-effective solar solution advice. With an array of panel, inverter and battery manufacturers and solutions tailored to individual needs, we’re more than equipped to provide you with the right system for your circumstances.

Go solar today, for a brighter tomorrow

The recent surge in Australian electricity prices underscores the urgency of exploring sustainable solutions. Offering security, peace of mind, potential savings and more, solar power emerges as the most practical and beneficial solution. Talk to us and let us present your options to you. Call us on 1300 4 SOLAR.

If you’re new to all things solar power, you might like other helpful blog guides on solar FAQs, and getting started on the solar journey.

*Source: 9NEWS ‘It’s insane’: Aussies share power price shock with some bills to surge by up to 83 per cent