Designing and building a home is one of the most exciting things you can do in your life, and it’s a great time to plan for your future energy efficiency. By taking a proactive approach to solar power during the design and construction phase, you can optimise your homes energy performance, ensure a seamless setup, and reduce your long-term electricity costs all in the one go. We walk you through key considerations and steps in preparing your new home for solar power.

How to prepare for solar when building a new home: Your guide

Understand your solar potential

Consider your location

When building a new home, consider the importance of sunlight exposure and local climate. Areas with more sunshine, like the Tweed Heads region, offer greater solar potential than regions with frequent cloud cover. You can use solar maps online, or talk to us, about your location’s suitability.

Consider your energy needs

Now, it’s time to plan for the right size solar system. With a variety of solar systems and sizes available, people often don’t know where to start. From checking your energy bills, energy efficient measures, future energy needs and overall system capacity, we walk you through it here: Finding the Perfect Fit: How to Choose the Right Size Solar System.


Understand solar affordability

Get to know government incentives and rebates

We’re so lucky down under because our federal and state governments are usually offering incentives and rebates to help support solar adoption. From the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), to Feed-In Tariffs, Small-scale Tecnhology Certificates (STCs) and tax incentives, you can get to know about solar rebates and incentives here.

Forecast your long-term savings

Investing in solar can lead to significant long-term savings on electricity bills. Conducting a cost analysis, including the initial investment, available incentives and rebates (from above), and expected savings, can help you determine the return on investment for your solar system. We help you calculate the long-term cost savings with solar here.


Choose the right solar system

When it comes to choosing and designing the right solar system for you, it’s best to consult with a local, trusted installer like us. But it doesn’t hurt to do a little bit of research and understand a few things for yourself as well. By now, you should already have an idea about what size system you’re after, so you might like to get an understanding about solar panel and battery options too.

Consider the right solar panel for your system

There’s two types of solar panels. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline panels are more efficient and have a longer lifespan, but like anything worth having, they’re more expensive. Polycrystalline panels are less efficient, but they’re more affordable. We work with you on your solar power goals and budget to fit the best solution.

Consider battery storage

A hybrid solar system includes a battery which enhances your energy independence. Batteries store excess energy produced by your panels during the day, so you can use this energy at night (during peak demand times) or during cloudy periods. You can discover how to choose the right solar battery here.


Select a reliable installer

When looking for a reliable installer, we recommend these five key points:

  • Do your research: Check the suppliers website, social media, reviews and ratings online to determine a proven track record
  • Look for experience: Maximise your solar investment by choosing a supplier that’s been around for a while
  • Check credentials: Look for certifications from bodies like the Clean Energy Council (CEC) that indicate adhereance to basic safety and quality industry standards. Look for warranties to provide peace of mind regarding the performance and longevity of your system and its various components
  • Get quotes: Compare pricing, equipment, warranties and installation services 
  • Ask about customer service: Ensure your supplier offers follow-up service and future support

Here’s five reasons to choose Quantum Solar.


Design your home for solar integration

Consider roof design

Next, you’ll want to ensure your roof is made from durable materials that can support the weight of solar panels and withstand the elements over time. Because a structurally sound roof is essential for the longevity of your solar investment. Additionally, ample roof space is an essential consideration. You will want to ensure that there is enough space to accommodate the number of solar panels needed to meet your energy needs (as you will have determined at the step prior to this). Optimal roof orientation, which is typically a north-facing roof for us in Australia, maximises sunlight exposure throughout the day and enhances energy production. Take a site visit and ensure that your roof will be unobstructed by trees, buildings, or other obstructions that would block consistent sunlight to your panels throughout the day. Proper planning in these areas ensures that your solar system will be supported, while maximising the output from your panels. We show you how we make solar work for your property here.

Prepare your electrical system

Pre-wiring your home for solar during the constuction phase can save significant costs, hassle and time later on. This involves setting up the necessary conduits and electrical panels to ensure an easy and cost-effective solar installation in the future. Work with your builder and electrician, or consult with us to help you prepare.

Plan for future expansion

If you’re a growing family, taking in a relative, putting in a pool down the track or thinking about an electric vehicle, now is the time to consider and plan for your future energy needs. So, design your system and home with scalability in mind. This includes ensuring there is enough space on your roof for additional panels and that your electrical system can facilitate increase capacity if needed.


Maximise your energy efficiency

Choose energy-efficient appliances

If it’s a case of new home and new furniture – lucky you! This is a great chance to complement your solar system with energy efficient appliances to reduce your overall energy consumption and save even more on electricity bills (if you don’t install a hybrid solar system with a battery). Look for appliances with high energy star ratings to maximise savings.

Install smart home devices

Installing smart home technology can also optimse your solar energy use. Smart systems can help you understand your energy usage, and manage energy consumption by scheduling high-energy tasks during peak solar productions.


By working through these steps when designing and building your new home, you can prepare for your solar installation and maximise your energy savings. Remember, this is a simple guide and you are not alone in this process. Reach out to a local, trusted installer like us to help you along the way. Call us on 1300 4 SOLAR to get started.