With the increasing popularity of solar power you might be wondering, is solar power right for my home or business? We outline some of the best reasons to choose solar power, and what you will need to consider, when deciding if solar power is right for your home or business. 

3 reasons to choose solar power 

Solar power is an investment in the future

Simply put, when you invest in solar power, you’re investing in the future! Solar energy is clean, it’s renewable, and it’ll save you hard-earned money in the long run. The best part? Getting started is easy, and it’s more affordable than ever! 

It’s cheaper than you think, to go solar

Yes, that’s right! Thanks to falling costs and a competitive market, solar power really is cheaper than you think. In fact, when you throw in government incentives* and the many payment plans on the market, there’s never been a better time for homeowners and businesses alike to invest in solar energy! 

While yes, it is true, that the cost of installing solar power is higher than traditional energy sources, the initial cost quickly pays for itself – and then some – over time. Because once installed, your system will produce free energy from the sun well into the future! Just be sure to keep them clean and maintained. 

You can save money on your electricity bill

By considering the position and setup of your home or business, as well as your energy use, solar systems are designed to maximise your investment and save you hard-earned money in the long run! 

3 tips to consider before going solar 

To get the most out of your solar power investment, consider these points before making your decision. 

            What are my energy needs?

In terms of maximising your investment, solar panels are most effective when used to offset high energy use. This could include periods of heavy air conditioning use, household appliances, charging vehicles and so on. So get to know your average energy use from your latest bill. If your energy needs are low, you may not see a significant return on investment from solar panels. If your energy needs are high, you will see a more positive return on your investment. 

            What’s my climate? 

Luckily down under, Australia is one of the sunniest places to live in the world. We average more than 8 hours of sunshine per day! We also have a dry climate, making our country an ideal location for solar energy production. The real answer here, is that your climate is well equipped to maximise your solar investment! 

            What’s my sun exposure like? 

While our Australian climate is a huge tick overall, it’s also important to hone in on your precise location. Solar panels require direct, uninterrupted sunlight to function at their best. So, homes and businesses that are shaded by buildings or trees may not yield the best results. Get an understanding of your property first and foremost, and then let us help you to understand the best position for your solar panels. It goes without saying, that properties with uninterrupted sunlight exposure will benefit the most. 

Need help? 

Need help understanding your energy needs and sun exposure? You’re not alone! Call us for a free energy assessment with one of our specialists – 1300 4 SOLAR. We’d love to help. 


*Visit energy.gov.au/rebates to view up-to-date government incentives and eligibility