There are a number of benefits of solar for businesses here and in most developed parts of the planet. This blog entry will take a closer look at five of them. If you’re after a solar system for business use (or home use), Quantum Solar can design the perfect setup based on your current/future energy needs, then handle every step of the process – even the financing, if you’d like us to do so. As usual, our contact details can be found at the end of the article.


Advantage #1: Will Save You Money in the Long Run


When you get a solar package for business use, expect it to “help the bottom line” by reducing your energy bills and earning you money for excess power put back into the grid. Once you’ve covered the cost of the system itself, this is all profit.


Advantage #2: Protects You Against Energy Price Hikes


Those who choose not to take advantage of solar power leave themselves at the mercy of drastic price rises in the energy market based on resource shortages, climatic changes leading to excessive demand, industrial action, political disputes and everything in between. They have no option but to pay the going rate.


Advantage #3: Demonstrates Your Firm’s Commitment to the Environment


By installing a solar system for business operations, you are showing that the company wants to reduce its carbon footprint and become more self-sustainable. These things in turn reassure customers that you are not only environmentally responsible, you plan to be around for years to come. “Green” credentials are becoming increasingly important to consumers/partners and not having them could mean lost sales and even lost contracts.



Advantage #4: Represents a Handy Tax Deduction


In Australia, businesses are currently able to claim the full cost of a commercial solar-power system. To discuss the specifics, have a chat with us at Quantum Solar. We’re highly experienced in these situations and will make sure you don’t go wrong.


Advantage #5: Ensures a Reliable Energy Supply for the Future


Fact: power outages are bad for business. Just because they rarely occur now doesn’t mean they won’t be a problem in the future. As with the price of energy, if you rely solely on others for your supply, you will simply have to accept any decline in reliability. However, with a solar system for business use, you reduce the risk of possible outages and the negative impact “blackouts” bring as, say, the factory grinds to a halt.


Ready to Switch Your Business Over to Solar Power?


Call Quantum Solar! Our expert team has provided a custom-tailored solar package for business clients from Tweed Heads to Ballina – ranging from commercial farms right up to council power plants. To discuss your particular energy requirements, please phone 1300 4 SOLAR or use the “rapid response form” located here to book a free assessment. Like so many other satisfied customers, you’ll wonder why you didn’t switch your firm to solar sooner.